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Poems About Family

A Treasured Mother
I originally wrote this poem for my mother-in-law's funeral, several years ago.

Over the sunset hill
All of us have felt the emotions of sadness and peace, at one time or another. I experienced those emotions back in 1985 while sitting at my grandmothers bedside.

My mother's walker
Praise God, there will be no need for walkers, when we get to heaven. This poem is in memory of my dear mother who passed on to glory in 2003.

Happy Birthday, Rebekah
This is a poem to wish my granddaughter in Heaven a happy birthday. I know that she is happy there with Jesus and her loved ones who have gone there too.

Of Sweet Joy
I traveled to see my mama today.She needed to hear what I had to say.But when I arrived, she was in deep prayer.I had some good news I wanted to share.

Pursuing a Living
May God extend grace as we seek to cultivate meaningful relationships in our homes.

Waiting For The Day
For those who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, will one day see their loved ones who have believed up in Heaven. What a glorious day that will be.

Dedicated to my Mother who saw us through thick and thin during our life time...

Big Red Chair
In light of Mother's Day I tried to express some thoughts of gratitude for those courageous souls we call Mom. Motherhood can often be viewed as an ominous task, in this case, described as a Big Red Chair.

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