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Inspirational Poems

Divine ways
Seeking God, not just answers, we find,In countless ways, His love, divine.

Come Join Us in a Treasure Hunt finalist in poetry contest
This poem is an invitation to seek and find the LORD...

The LORD’S Throne and Footstool
Heaven is the LORD's Throne - the Earth His Footstool.

A poem about three boys: Truth, Lie, Dare. . .

Carried Home
How we are found by the Lord and carried home to Heaven on His broad shoulders

Blessings for the New Year - 2024.. . .May God's peace be with you throughout the New Year.

Todays Specials For My Day
Experiencing the Grace and love of God while breaking bread is a blessing that should always be shared.

Jesus Christ—Emmanuel
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word," (Hebrews 1:3, NIV).

So Many Tears are Shed
There are many living in pain, filled with hopelessness, and need a hug. This prayer is that they seek the Lord and find inner peace. - a peace that surpasses all understanding.

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