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by Paul Purday

How many gifts are pouring from God's heart
That man receives perhaps without a thought
Yet glorious suns unravel nature's art
In richest fields the singing birds would dart
'Neath scudding clouds an artist's brush has wrought.

God's gift of wondrous mountains fill the sight
And mighty rivers fill the heaving seas
That speak of God's beneficent delight
In man, to him His greatest gifts invite
To taste, and bring man contrite to His knees.

The gift of faith, without which we are blind
This link to things unseen, and transformed ways
Brings new perspectives and renews the mind
So, changes us the way that He designed
And calling us to Him through all our days.

The gift of Grace, straight from the heart of God
Perfection of an attribute that will
Reflect that Man and all the steps He trod
In shoes of suffering and of kindness shod
Perfection of His Grace our lives fulfil.

We then can see the greatest gift of all
He who would give Himself for all mankind
A gift so great that at His knees we fall
And myriads flock in answer to His call
To follow Him and all His treasures find.

The Holy Spirit too, a gift He gives
The power to live, the face of Jesus show
To bring to mind the world where Jesus lives
While in this scene of sadness, He forgives
All who the Spirit brings to Him to know.

All gifts, fruits, graces, that the Spirit brings
Grow on the Tree of Life for all to see
Stupendous love from Him, the Spirit sings
About that matchless Grace and from it springs
The wondrous breathing of eternity.

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Book by Paul Purday

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