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Story The Twice Owned

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Story The Twice Owned

tags: story, twice, owned

handout id: 3591
short name: Story The Twice Owned
nutshell: Story The Twice Owned

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Wording of this Handout:

Once there was a little boy who saved up his pocket-money and bought a model boat. He went to the stream nearby and sailed it for a while, but suddenly the current caught the boat and it sailed away.
The boy went searching for his lost boat. He was very sad. But he had to go home without it. The little boat was lost.
A few days later, the boy was in town. In a shop window, he saw his boat! It was for sale, so he went in and spoke to the man behind the counter. 'Excuse me' said the boy, 'But that boat in the front window is mine' 'You'll have to buy it then' said the man.
'But I bought it last week, and I put it together.
Its really mine'

'I'm sorry' said the man, 'But its mine now. To get it back, you'll have to pay me $10' The boy was very sad, but he went home and began to do jobs so he could save up enough money to buy back his boat.
I am happy to say that he earned enough, so he is happy again, but there's a secret meaning to this story. . .the boy and his boat is just like the story the Bible tells, about God and us.
God made us, and gave us our freedom, but the current of sin took us away from God.
God was very sad to see us lost, so He sent His Son, Jesus, to buy us back. Jesus paid for us with his life, on the cross.
First God owned us, and then He bought us back, even though we were His right from the start. Isn't that amazing love!
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