Wording of this Handout:
Have you ever wondered what a family is?
In the animal kingdom there are many kinds of family.
For example:
In a wolf family, there is always a leader, or chief wolf. He is the biggest, strongest wolf, and all the other wolves obey him.
Under the chief are all the other wolves. You can tell who the leader is because when he approaches the other wolves lie on their backs or lick his face.
Each wolf has a job to do.
Some look after the baby wolves, or cubs. Some do the hunting.
Some keep guard.
The weakest wolves are looked after by the stronger ones, and when there is a hunt, the meat is shared with the whole family.
Cubs are raised to look after the family, and taught many skills.
Over time, the jobs each wolf has to do are changed as the young wolves grow up, but the whole pack always works together.
Do you have a family like this? If you have brothers and sisters, do you look after them, and make sure they are cared for?
Do you have a mother and father? God wants you to obey them, because that will help to keep your family together.
Families come from God, because God made the very first Dad and Mum (Adam and Eve) and he told them to have children.
God loves families.