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Variations on a theme ( 1 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Variations on a theme ( 1 of 2 )

tags: funny, frog, story writing, writing, theme, variation

handout id: 3680
short name: Variations on a theme ( 1 of 2 )
nutshell: Story Writing

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Wording of this Handout:

Variations on a theme.

One day, princess found a frog. "Kiss me!" said the frog, "And I will turn into a prince!" So the princess kissed the frog and the frog turned into a prince and they married and lived happily ever after.


One day, a princess found a frog. "Kiss me!" said the frog. "And I will turn into a prince!" The princess quickly grabbed the frog and put it into a cage. From then on she charged everyone a guinea to see the talking frog.


One day, a princess found a frog. "Kiss me!" said the frog, "And I will turn into a prince!" The princess kissed the frog and turned into a frog. They then hopped away and populated the local ponds with tadpoles.


One day, a princess found a frog. "Kiss me!" said the frog, "And I will turn into a prince!" The princess kissed the frog and was sick for the next three weeks because of a virulent bacteria common to amphibians.


One day, a princess found a frog. "Kiss me!" said the frog, "And I will turn into a prince!" The princess gave the frog a little peck on the cheek. Bingo! The frog grew a human head and one human leg. "You should have put more into it," said the mutant, dragging himself sadly away.
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