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234 - Do babies go to hell?

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 234 - Do babies go to hell?

tags: babies, baby, hell, accountability, accountable, capable, capability

handout id: 3822
short name: 234 - Do babies go to hell?

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Wording of this Handout:

What about the babies? People sometimes want to know if God (allows babies to go to) or sends babies to hell, because, after all, babies haven't accepted Jesus as Lord . . . so what happens to them?

First of all, we ourselves make allowances for babies (and retarded people) when they fail to do things they are actually incapable of doing. So it is not unreasonable to suppose that God takes into account every person's limitations too. Babies cannot understand the gospel, so why should they suffer?

But the most important thing to remember is that God's always fair. (Gen 18:25, Rom 2:5-16)

But if someone who has a good brain hears the gospel, and understands it, and makes an intelligent decision not to believe it, they must be judged according to what they have been given. Deliberate unbelievers will go to hell - no question about it.

The next thing to say to those who ask such questions is "What are YOU doing about the lost?"
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