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Midas ( 2 of 3 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Midas ( 2 of 3 )

tags: gold, touch, story, midas

handout id: 4022
short name: Midas ( 2 of 3 )
nutshell: Midas is grieved by his gold.

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Wording of this Handout:

But soon the king grew hungry.
He tried to eat, but as soon as he picked any food up, it turned to gold...and of course he couldn't eat gold. He tried to drink, but as soon as he put the cup to his lips it turned to gold...and of course he couldn't drink gold.
Even the glasses which Midas wore turned to gold, so he couldn't see through them anymore. An the bed he slept on was hard!
"I have all this gold," moaned the king, "but I am not happy! I think I will go to my garden and look at my flowers."
The king went to his beautiful garden, and strolled along the path. But as he walked, the roses and violets and cypress trees all turned to gold as he brushed against them.
And then something happened which made all the miseries which the king had suffered already, seem like nothing.
His lovely daughter came running to see him.
"Father!" cried the little girl, "I am so happy that you have been given so much gold!"
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