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Poems by Gertrude Jefferies

poem count: 157 | pages: 18 | first place: 6 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 23 times
My Internet first in poetry contest
no matter how important technology is to us, Jesus Christ will always be so much more important to our lives.

VESSELS OF THE MASTER second in poetry contest
Most of us want to serve God, so long as it is someplace where we are seen or noticed. We need to be willing to go, or do anything He wants us to, seen or unseen ..

My Focus
sometimes our hearts are willing, but the flesh is so weak. God help us to be faithful to His calling on our lives.

A Better Day Tomorrow first in poetry contest
Going out into the day without spending time with the lord, putting on your spiritual armor, make it easy to have this kind of day.

The Absolute Gift
We can never earn our salvation. Not by works, money or status. The gift of God,through Jesus Christ, is a gift without strings or price tag.

The Temptation
sometimes what we want may not seem to be hurting anyone, no harm done,BUT, sin always comes with a price, and sometimes the cost is extremely heavy.

We Can Do It
Temptation is always hard to resist, but with the strength of the Holy Spirit, we can be overcomers, if we have the mind set to do so.

Are You The One?
If we ever forget and think we have reason to point the finger at someone else, we need to reread John 8:1-12

so many questions,but thank God there is One Answer for all of them. What we need to do is follow His perscription.