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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
His Wing's Shadow finalist in poetry contest
We are protected under the shadow of His wings.

2 Kings--Part 2--The Miracles of Elisha
How great is the power resident in the nature of God.

Never Forsaken
Satan and his demons will tell you anything to get you to walk away from God. Hold on tight to His love and mercy, but if you do fall He'll always take you back.

You Took My Place
Jesus went through everything on the cross just for you.

Praise You Through My Pain
God will speak to you if you just talk to Him. He can get you through anything you're going through.

2 Kings--Part 1--The Anointing of the Holy Spirit finalist in poetry contest
In Old Testament times the Holy Spirit came upon one whom God used mightily, but now He lives within us, a gift of our Lord and Savior. (2 Kings 2)

Decisions, Decisions
Every tough decision is always hard to make -and consequences don't precede the actions that we take...

Fearfully, Wonderfully Made
We are all indeed fearfully, wonderfully made!

1 Kings--Part 14--The Death of Ahab
The end of Ahab's life was as futile as the way he lived in--in deceitful scheming--still thinking he could outsmart God (1 Kings 22).

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