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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
1 Kings--Part 8--Six Wicked Kings of the North finalist in poetry contest
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin brings disgrace. This is clearly illustrated in 1 Kings 16.

Listen and you will hear Him as He draws you closer to Him.

Many times in life, we look for security in a lot of different places before we find the right source.

1 Kings--Part 7--Three Southern Kings
1 Kings 15 records the reign of the first three kings of the Southern Kingdom. Only Asa served the Lord.

Say Yes To Jesus
Saying "yes" to Jesus was by far, the smartest thing I've ever done, for "no" had been my answer many times before.

Thoughts and Words finalist in poetry contest
If we are careful in thinking before we speak, we are less likely to say things that we'll regret later.

What I want to Do is Dance!
The sound of Your name upon my lips. The Spirit washing over me. Freedom from chains that bound my soul I’m no longer blind for now I see! What I want to do is - dance!

To be undone means to die to self- so the love of Christ can work in and through you- Until you do this you will not be used to your full potential in Christ.

Pull back the curtains.

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