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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Prince In Training
This is a counter-poem to the poem I wrote entitled "Princess Bride." It's for the most part, the guy version. Girls weren't created to chase boys. Boys were created to seek out the wife God desires them to have.

Princess Bride
I wrote this after having chosen to get engaged to a man who wasn't right for me, and having him break my heart apart two weeks before our wedding. I started crying and pouring my heart out to the Lord, and He told me exactly what I needed to hear.

1 King--Part 5--Obedience and Success are Intertwined finalist in poetry contest
This is the account of a young prophet who prophesied accurately, but whose fuzzy thinking ended in disaster.

Calm Waters
All around us our His calm waters we just need to stop, listen, and hear the peacefulness within our souls and hear the sounds of His awesomeness.

Everlasting Savior
this poem was written to explain how before it gets too late i want to be taken in by my king Jesus Christ and i want to worship Him it is about how in my days of sorrow all i want is to be held by Him.

1 Kings--Part 4--The Kingdom is Split
Because of Solomon's sin, God raised up enemies in an attempt to get his attention. Eventually the kingdom was split with Jeroboam as king of the Northern Kingdom and Rehoboam the king of the Southern Kingdom. (1 Kings 12)

The Meaning Of Love
Does anybody besides a Christian truly understand the meaning of the word LOVE?

The Song of Jesus
The next time you listen to the birds sing, or hear the wind whispering, listen, for they are singing a song of our Savior.

Weak Before God, But Strong of Soul
How can a person not be weak before the glory of our Father, and how can the knowledge of His forgiving love not give us the strength of tempered steel.

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