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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Blessed Moonlight
This poem is an extended metaphor for God's revelations to us (represented by the moon) and how it is the light that directs our path (like moonlight) in this sin-darkened world. God's remnant points toward the second coming of Christ.

1 Kings--Part 3--The Middle Years of Solomon's Reign
A summary of Solomon's achievements as he built the temple and dedicated it to the Lord.

With Greatest Joy
Choose a lifethat few have seen -few have known,yet so serene.

Resting In Jesus
Rest in the Lord until he comes to take you home.

Sunshine After The Rain
Nothing can separate us from God's love.

Resurrection Intersection
A poem of Christian comfort.

1 Kings--Part 2--The Early Days of Solomon's Reign
Chapters 2 and 3 record how Solomon stabilized the kingdom and chronicles the great wisdom God gave him.

One Moment's Pause
A sonnet of surrender

I Called
I was in turmoil.

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