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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Care, Share and Love
Love doesn't have much of a chance without an abundance of caring and sharing.

In Due Season
Trust the Lord to answer your prayers in His time and you shall reap the results in due season.

The Image first in poetry contest
A poem about the image of God, which is love. This is a rhyming poem in ABAAB format with eight syllables per line.

To Do List
In serving Christ, there are things we need to be constantly doing for those around us.

We may say that we're trusting God.However do we trust Him completely? That is with every thing, large and small.

Your Creator finalist in poetry contest
No matter how low we get, God Our Creator is always ready to lift us up.

In the Arms of Jesus
This poem is written for anyone who has lost an infant. May God give you comfort and strength.

Sometimes we have to hit bottom before He can lift us up

I Kings--Part 1--The Final Drama before David's Death
As David lay near death, his fourth son Adonijah, the younger brother of Absalom, attempts to steal the throne.

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