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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
When I think of Motherhood
Celebrating Motherhood on Mother's Day.

Signs Of the Times
There are plenty of signs leading up to the Lord's second coming. We all need to be watchmen and share the Good News before it is too late.

I am who I am
Just a reflection of sorts of how God has made me who I am and that he made me in his image.

English Sonnet: Through the Asphalt Top second in poetry contest
I was walking along a sidewalk and I noticed little plants growing through the asphalt. Only the strength and care of God could do such a thing. This is an extended metaphor of how God allows and supplies the needs in order for our faith to grow.

2 Samuel--Part 5--David the Great Repenter
Though the consequences of David's sin could not be avoided, there are life lessons for us all.

Ain't Life Grand
My Aunt Kate had the kind of faith we all should have. She lived a life of poverty like a princess because God the Father was her King.

Look Up
A Pastor's wife in prison ministry asked me to write a poem about women in prison and the hope they have. She shared a vivid picture of the agony of the helplessness of prison life and the hope of Christ. Here is the poem God supplied.

God is Now Here
There was a time in my life when God was nowhere, but He now is here. There is a place where you can draw the line between nowhere and now here. Now is a very good time to draw the line...

One Thing finalist in poetry contest
I met an elderly woman in a nursing home. She was angry, filled with rage. Maybe suffering with senile dementia, but still God came and she spoke the sinner's prayer. She may not remember, but He will remember for her.

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