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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
2 Samuel--Part 3--Lord, Send us Leaders like David finalist in poetry contest
In 2 Samuel 7-9 we see characteristics of leadership in David's life that all spiritual leaders should emulate and pass on to the next generation.

Solitary Symphony
Waking to an early bird's symphony reminds me to sing my own praise-symphony to God my Creator!

2 Samuel--Part 2--A Solemn Message about the Christian Lifestyle
David's failure to obey the command of God regarding the transportation of the ark had severe consequences. (2 Samuel 5-6)

By Faith Launch Off
Getting out of your comfort zone by faith in God.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

2 Samuel--Part 1--David Ascends to the Throne
We see the integrity and honesty of heart in David's life as he ascends to the throne fifteen years after Samuel anointed him as king of Israel. (2 Samuel 1-4)

Lost Innocence
This poem tells about the spirit of deception that is corrupting the younger generation. And it shows that some, by the grace of God, refuse to give in to the serpent's lies.

Facing Life
In life we are face with many challenges and tend to lose hope. Therefore, this poem is a reminder that no matter what life toss our way, we must stay strong knowing that the Lord is able to help us overcome any situation.

1 Samuel--Part 15--Saul's Sad Ending
A description of the sadness of Saul's end and an encouragement to finish strong. (1 Samuel 28, 31)

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