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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Through Me
Everything should be through Him.

Thank You Father
We have so much in life to be thankful for. God meets our every need in the life we now live and has supplied the needs in our heavenly lives to come.

We should fearlessly and boldly share Jesus with those who are lost: this is not the time to remain silent.

Daily Thanks to God
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks, but we as Christians, should give thanks to God daily for everything that He does for us.

Best Friends
Am I best friends with Jesus? Does friendship really pay?

This Harp
The dust completely covered the memories of old,as I sat in my attic,as melodies turned cold -

Heaven Holds Many of Mine
We have all lost loved ones to death here on earth. The promise is that All who know Jesus will be caught up with Christ in the air. Heaven awaits those who have called on His Holy Name.

It is Finished!
Passive Christians are embracing New Age. It speaks of love, peace, joy, but NO Jesus. This means death!! Without Jesus Christ and the Cross there can be no life. Speak out Christians!! Speak out for Christ and eternal life with Him!

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