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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Lord, We Give You Thanks... second in poetry contest
This poem was originally written for Thanksgiving, but is a heartfelt prayer that could be lifted to our Father in heaven each and every day!

My prayer is to see the Glory of God in every aspect of my life. I fail often but God continues to reveal himself to me.

Portrait of Grace
I was pondering if we could every really describe God's grace, forgiveness, or glory? I don't think we would ever even begin to comprehend a fraction of who God is.

Missing the point
I was asked by a friend to write something from a heavenly point of view on what God "might" think looking down at a currently very distracted human race.

Anger, Disappointment, and Shocking Beauty
This is a prayer. It's a slightly angry prayer but a prayer nonetheless....This one is all the emotions I went through last year. I lost 8 loved ones in a matter of 9 months.

Christmas Is Coming
Are your priorities right?

Jesus, The Kingdom of God
Through the Holy Spirit, we carry the Kingdom of God,(Jesus) with us everywhere we go. We Should be careful where we take Him.We should always let Him shine through us.

Do You Know Him?
Do you know Him? He is INDESCRIBABLE!!!!

The Place
Thoughts of Christ and how to live for God

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