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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Creator Saviour.
A few thoughts from Genesis and Gods solution for mans sin.

Wonderful, Isn't He?
Do you know what you have in common with Mary, the mother of Jesus...for God desires the birth His Son Jesus to be evident in your life also. Will you say, "Be it unto me?" as Mary said? Just Imagine...

Wise Men Still Seek Him
As the Lord gave the revelation of this poem, my heart was amazed. Even though Jesus did not look like a king at birth...I believe the Lord would say, "look again." What do you see?

The Carpenter's Son
Reflecting on Joseph's role in Jesus life, the Lord poured this poem into my heart. What Jesus learned in the natural from His earthly father would foreshadow His role for all of create something beautiful in each and everyone of us!

Water finalist in poetry contest
Are you paddling?

What If I Were Jesus? finalist in poetry contest
I believe the Lord laid this poem on my heart to stress the importance of how we treat each other on an everyday basis. The word "I" in this poem relects all of humanity. Something to think about...

Witches, Warlocks, Goblins and Gooles
Halloween is Satin's holiday and we as Christians change it by calling it a harvest ball, etc.(deception of Satan) We should not acknowledge this day at all in my opinion.

The Recipe To Heaven
Ingredients:A Willing Mind, Love, Courage, Compassion, Determination, Honesty

Creator Saviour finalist in poetry contest
Creation the fall and the remedy.

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