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Faith Poetry

There Is A Peace . . .
I cannot comprehend it . . . but I do know that it is from God!

My Hope Is In You
This poem is about placing your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ

If I Had Wings . . .
I would fly right up to God's throne.

Hats Off To Aunt Hattie
God uses the most unlikely people to help others sometimes, just as God used a poor widow to help a young preacher boy in this poem.

I'm Moving On finalist in poetry contest
I am in the midst of packing 40 years of stuff and moving into a smaller home. The question is what to take, what to toss,and what has become my idol?

Safely In His Hands
Don't your ever forget the good things He brings. . .

Without a Doubt
What is faith, really?

My Little Box finalist in poetry contest
I cannot prove the miracles behind salvation's locks, but if I could, here's what you'd see inside my little box...

Hold Me
A precious friend confided in me that one night she felt filled with despair. She lay in her bed unable to say or do anything, but in that moment she whispered to God, “Please Hold Me.” Then my friend tells me that a white light filled the air and she co

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