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Faith Poetry

Faithfulness I Pray
The Lord has recently taken me to a place in my life that I'm really struggling with. I don't want to be there, andeverything He points me to, says He wants me to be there! I can choose to be faithful and do as He directs orI can choose faithle

My Resolution . . . Solution
My New Year's Resolution.

Call Unto Me . . .
All you have to do is Call Unto the Lord and He will show you great and mighty things.

My New Year Prayer
My prayer for 2012!

Looking Unto Jesus
It's a long hard race, but I am keeping my eyes on Jesus.

The Thrill of Trusting
When we trust the Lord, we can feel the thrill of knowing He will work all things out.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

I Am But A Vapor
My days are not known, so I will give to the Lord my every day!

My Comforter
His rod and staff are my strenth and my comfort.

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