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New Land

by Paul Purday

I am so utterly aware of the New Land
But also am aware of ground on which I stand
Where all familiar sights and landscapes show to me
The land where I was born, of mountains, clouds and sea
My eyes and mind are filled with what I long to see
But somehow know that there is far, far more at hand.

The hopeful, wistful longing I have always known
Was there through faith, a distant country I was shown
A gold bejewelled Land of colours beyond sight
Of shimmering mountains, and gardens of delight
Darkness is banished there, with an Eternal Light
And Someone fills that Land with majesty alone.

It's Him! The Christ of God whose presence will display
What Love and Grace will tangibly convey
To untold myriads the wonder of their home
While I with faith increasing, still the old land roam
Whose well known beauty now will seem but monochrome
New Land of glory is no longer faraway.

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Book by Paul Purday

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