Now listen, all, and let me sing,
The praises for our God and King!
Where every member, large and small,
Has a vital role in God's call.
The eyes behold the world in light,
Guiding steps from dark to bright.
The ears hear symphonies of grace,
Which speaks softly in every place.
The hand that reaches out to give,
Reflects the love that Christ had lived.
The foot, swift to run the race,
Carries forth the faith we now embrace.
The nose, to breathe in heaven's scent,
Where prayers and praises are incense sent.
The tongue, to speak the Gospel's word,
A beacon for the souls that heard.
The body with the spirits as one
With different gifts that are never done.
Each member works for the common good
To build the kingdom as we should.
The heart that beats with love's pure flame,
A bastion, steadfast, never vain.
As the mind ponders on things above,
Where Christ is seated on the throne of love.
The spirit, breathing life anew;
The bond of peace that makes us true;
Together, we are God's own art,
A tapestry in every part.
When one rejoices, let the rest rejoice,
In sorrow, let them share their voice.
For as the body has its head,
So we in Christ, together, are fed.
No part superior, none cast aside,
Each is a piece as we abide.
In unity, we find our might,
As members of the Church, we keep the fight.
For Christ is all, in all we find,
Our purpose, hope, and life are entwined.
In every act of love and care,
The body shows His beauty as rare.
Now let us live, as we were made,
Each member for the others' aid.
In service to the Lord on high,
We'll live and breathe until we die.
Till that great day when we're made whole,
And every part of His truth be told -
Of how God loved, how we were one,
In Jesus Christ, our victory won.