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I Sit Alone in Deep Thought

by Kristine Stanton © 2024

To some, this day seems gloomy —
dark clouds command the skies,
with thunderbolts and lightning
performing 'fore my eyes.

I sit alone, in deep thought,
while sheltered from these rains,
in awe of God's Creation
and all that He sustains.

I'm grateful for His blessings —
each treasure that's unearned.
Each one is given freely —
not one have I returned.

And as this storm surrounds me
I sing a song of praise.
I chant above the waters
with each note that I raise.

My heart is ever grateful
for my LORD and King —
my God who lives in Heaven —
Creator of all things.

I yearn for my LORD's presence
and ask that He join me.
I humbly sit in waiting —
I wait — I look — I see.

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