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A Quiet Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

A quiet heart is one,
soaked in confidence
for God’s mighty power
has in it, dominance.

A quiet heart is one,
having nothing to fear
for it knows God’s promise
is to always be near.

A quiet heart is one,
steeped in eternal peace
for the faith that it holds
brings it constant release.

A quiet heart is one,
standing calmly still
for it knows to seek daily
God’s most perfect will.

A quiet heart is one,
immersed in assurance
for it knows the race . . .
is won on endurance.

Isaiah 30:15

“For thus saith the Lord God,
the Holy One of Israel;
In returning and rest shall
ye be saved; in quietness and
in confidence shall be your
strength: and ye would not.”

This poem won second place for the January 2016 poetry contest

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