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Guilty Pleasures

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

Guilty pleasures,
we mustn’t indulge in
for what we’re doing
is just playing with sin.

Guilt is God’s way,
to instill in us . . .
after worldly desires
we mustn’t lust.

Guilty pleasures,
we cannot regard
to these temptations
we must be on guard.

When we take pleasure,
in any worldly thing
we will feel the shame
these activities bring.

Guilty pleasures,
are never innocent
to their allurement
we can’t be ignorant.

As Christians we mustn’t be,
to the world conformed
against guilty pleasures . . .
we must always be armed!

Ecclesiastes 2:1

“I said in mine heart, Go to now,
I will prove thee with mirth,
therefore enjoy pleasure:
and, behold, this also is vanity.”

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