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A Joyful Life

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

Life is more joyful,
when in God we trust
it is more fruitful
when He’s working in us.

It is more pleasurable,
when we let God lead
it is more bearable
when to His laws we heed.

Life is more joyful,
when in God we trust
it is more fruitful
when He’s in control of us.

It is more enjoyable,
when God shows the way
it is more gratifying
when to Him we pray.

Life is more joyful,
when we are still
it is more fruitful
when we do His will!

Psalm 37:4-5

“Delight thyself also in the Lord:
and he shall give thee the desires
of thine heart.

Commit thy way unto the Lord;
trust also in him; and he
shall bring it to pass.”

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