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by Janette Lueveen

A Christmas tree, all glittery and gold,
It's covered with lights, but it seems so cold.
Trinkets and glass balls fill every space.
Yet not a single tear, can they erase.

Outside my window, in the fresh fallen snow,
A hungry child walks, dirty and cold.
There's no one to hold her, for father has fled.
Leaving a mother, too tired to tuck her to bed.

But in the wink of an eye, she'll not be alone.
For among the shadows, in places unknown.
Lurks evil and perverts, so deprave.
They'll seize the child, we failed to save.

Outside my window, just down the street,
Sits a lonely widow, I was to busy to meet.
She waits by her phone, in hopes it will ring.
Anticipating the joy, her children's voices would bring.

But they will not come, nor will they call.
They were all invited to that grand Mayor's Ball.
Instead on the mantle, displayed with such care,
Sits a lavish gift and note "Wish we were there!"

Outside my window, on a dark park bench,
A thief clutches tight, the goods he will fence.
And off to his left, just out of the light,
Two young men argue and fight.

Outside my window, a homeless man walks.
No friends of his own, so to himself he talks.
The Mission is warm so he'll go there later,
And eat the Christmas feast, rich men cater.

Outside my window there stands a magnificent display,
All can see, I rejoice in Christmas Day!
Outside my window Angels walk and weep,
Knowing the spirit of Christ, I did not keep

This poem won second place for the November 2007 poetry contest

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