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Where Am I?

by louis gander

On a scale up to one hundred, please heart, tell me where am I?
With Jesus at one hundred- or with Satan will I die?

I believe that I'm a Christian, so "Christ-like" and divine;
but am I par with Jesus? Say, with whom do I align?
If I'm not at one hundred then I've missed my Jesus' call.
Have I not helped the "least of these" nor fed them much at all?

Am I too busy with my house, my new car or career?
Does dining out or shopping have me so entrenched right here?
Now when's the last time I have served? Have I been caught off-guard?
Yes, when's the last time I've obeyed? Is my heart soft or hard?

Yes, I can make excuses thinking I'm above the most,
but if not at one-hundred, I'm a liar and a boast.
'Ye ac-cursed ones, depart from Me, into eternal fire.'
Yes, Jesus knows that I am just a weak, pathetic liar!

Sincerely and profusely I cry out, "Please God, forgive!"
It's then grace covers all my sin and I 'one-hundred' live...
My idols do deceive me as I live from day to day,
so have I walked with Satan- thinking it was Jesus' way?

On a scale up to one hundred, please heart, tell me where am I?
With Jesus at one hundred- or with Satan will I die?

This poem was a finalist in the August 2014 poetry contest

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