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Keeping The Lord's Day

by Margaret Cagle

In days of my childhood,
Sunday was a sacred day.
Sunday was the Lord's Day.
We kept it holy in every way.

We went to church on Sunday
To worship God and pray.
We sang the hymns and heard
What our preacher had to say.

We never went out shopping
At a grocery store or mall.
Sunday was a special day
Kept sacred by almost all.

No restaurants were open
For our convenience that day.
We cooked our meals on Saturday.
That was our customary way.

We never did our laundry,
Nor did we mow our grass.
We never fished on Sunday
For trout or delicious bass.

What happened over the years?
Is Sunday not sacred any more?
Have our lives become too busy
To keep the Lord's day as before?

We live in a different time,
And we behave in a different way,
But wasn't God the very same
Yesterday as He is today?

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