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Life's Choices

by Margaret Cagle

Adam and Eve had a choice.
They could obey God or disobey.
They ate the forbidden fruit,
For Satan tempted Eve one day.

Cain and Abel made choices
About the blood sacrifice.
Abel chose to obey the Lord.
Cain didn't and paid the price.

"But as for me and my house,
We'll serve God," Joshua said.
He made a choice and commitment,
He proclaimed it to those he led.

God gives everyone a choice.
We can accept or reject His Son.
He provided the way of salvation.
God's plan is the only one.

God gives believers a choice
After we receive the Savior.
We can choose to serve Him,
So we can live in His favor.

Let us choose to love the Lord
With all our power and might.
Let us choose to serve the Lord
And stand up for what is right.

In Joshua 24:15, Joshua proclaimed to the Israelites, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

This poem was a finalist in the October 2014 poetry contest

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