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A Merry Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Whenever you feel down,
whenever sad and blue
I've a dose of medicine
I know is good for you.

Take a cup of God's mercy,
sip it throughout the day
it comes with a guarantee
to keep depression away.

God's grace is a cure-all,
for all that is ailing you
it's the antidote you need
on the days you are blue.

You will have true peace,
your heart will be merry
as you learn to trust Jesus
your burdens, He will carry.

Whenever feeling down,
let God's mercy lift you up
with a dose of good cheer . . .
found in grace's loving cup!

Proverbs 17:22

” A merry heart doeth good like a
medicine: but a broken spirit drieth
the bones.”

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