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The Gift of Self-Control

by Deborah Ann Belka

May the gift of self-control,
be something, daily you present
may you show self-restraint
when others do things, to upset.

May you manage your temper,
when others have lost theirs
may you defuse the situation
whenever tensions, start to flare.

May you hold your own tongue,
when others are being rude
may your silence, be what alters
the unpleasantness, of their mood.

May you harness your pride,
when others ego's are inflated
may your constraint cause . . .
their arrogance to be deflated.

May the gift of temperance,
you give to others everyday
may you have self-control . . .
no matter who comes your way!

2 Peter 1:5-6

“And beside this, giving all diligence,
add to your faith virtue; and to virtue
knowledge; And to knowledge temperance;
and to temperance patience; and to
patience godliness;”

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