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The Simple Things

by Deborah Ann Belka

I use to buy my dad, a nice tie,
my mom would get, a pretty blouse
and the kids were happy to receive
anything to do, with Mickey Mouse.

But, now a days I get a list,
that makes me feel like Santa Claus
and deviating from it . . .
is like breaking, the consumer laws.

What happen to the simple things,
like a good book or a fun board game
now if it isn't something technical
it is considered to be dull and lame.

In the good-old days of yore,
giving gifts was a pleasure
but now it's all about grabbing
"Black Fridays" biggest treasure.

I use to enjoy buying presents,
for all the people who I love
but now when I go to the mall
all I get, is pushed and shoved.

Shopping today is not the same,
it's become a real nightmare
the only time I hear Christs' name
is when people cuss and swear.

I used to buy my dad, a nice tie,
my mom would get, a pretty blouse
but this year ~ I've been thinking . . .
I might not even leave my house!

Matthew 2:11

“And when they were come into the house,
they saw the young child with Mary his
mother, and fell down, and worshipped
him: and when they had opened their
treasures, they presented unto him
gifts; gold, and frankincense and

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