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What Christmas Isn't

by Deborah Ann Belka

It is the season
to be jolly . . . .
but don't get caught
in all the folly.

For, it's not about,
jingle bells
or dashing off
to all the sales

It's not about,
the office party
or if to Aunt Sally's
we'll be tardy.

It's not about,
the food we buy
or if we'll make
pecan or rhubarb pie.

It's not about,
all the lights
or if Uncle Joe
will start a fight.

It's not about,
Santa or his sleigh
or how much this year
he will weigh.

It's not about,
the presents we get
or the gifts we buy
putting us into debt.

It's about Jesus,
the virgin Babe, born
so long ago
one early morn.

It's about love,
shinning from afar
it's about the promise
of Jacob's Star.

It's about His light,
His life, His way . . .
that is why we celebrate
CHRISTmas day!

Isaiah 7:14

“Therefore the Lord himself shall give
you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall
conceive, and bear a son, and shall
call his name Immanuel.”

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