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Healing Stripes

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

His stripes healed,
our spiritual sickness
became the remedy
to sin’s wickedness.

Each lash mark,
screams of our rebellion
each slice of flesh
cries of our defection.

His stripes cured,
our sinful demise
became the balm
to our compromise.

Each strike of hate,
spoke of His great love
each lash mark left
glorified His Father above.

By His stripes,
we have been saved
in His death, the way . . .
to heaven was paved!

The skies are overcastNo one told the birdsAbout silver liningsNo one told the birdsAbout living in the pastMatthew 6:19-34

1 Peter 2:24

“Who his own self bare
our sins in his own body
on the tree, that we,
being dead to sins,
should live unto
righteousness: by whose
stripes ye were healed.”

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