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Works of the Flesh

by Deborah Ann Belka

Having a hard time,
loving one another
feeling shades of green
looking at your brother?

Not very patient,
with your friends or family
finding your spoken words
being said, more angrily?

Looking at the world,
through rose-colored glasses
thinking it's not so bad
to follow the masses?

Wondering when real joy,
will pop back into your life
tired of all the problems
causing everyday strife?

Well, stop for a minute
and ask yourself this . . .
"Am I letting the Spirit lead
or do I constantly resist?"

For the fruit of the Spirit,
we can only produce . . .
when to the works of the flesh
we become a recluse!

Galatians 5:25
King James Version

"If we live in the Spirit,
let us also walk in the Spirit."

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