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Poor Me

by Barbara Sandbek © 1998

Your neighbors got a brand new boat...
a Cadillac - and a real mink coat.
They've booked themselves on their
annual cruise
And expect your delight when they
share the news.

Their kids wear clothes with the
label 'Guess'
And your kids, in comparison,
are quite a mess.
Even their animals seem to obey
while yours are constantly running away.

Your office partner just got a raise.
You do all the work,
and he gets the praise.
They've laid the red carpet to light
his way
While you're wondering if they'll
let you stay!

"Poor me," you say, "I've got it bad!"
"Poor me," you say, "I'm really sad."

Why you're poor alright
'Cause you aren't seein'
The treasure God has surely given.

Start looking at what's within your
Be content with your gifts.
Stop wanting more.

Don't know what you've got
till you've got it not
So start counting your blessings today.

Enjoy all the things your Father brings
Before they are taken away.

This poem won second place for the May 2006 poetry contest

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