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You Make My Day.Lord ~

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

You make my day,
my life, You light
You make everything
look gloriously bright.

When it is gloomy,
You send rays of hope
when things are dark
You give me faith to cope.

You make my day,
my heart, You uplift
You give me strength
when to You I submit.

Whether it be a storm,
or waters running still
You help me to see
it is all, in Your will.

You make my day,
my soul, You raise
tis why my Lord . . .
You have my praise!

Psalm 146:1-2

“Praise ye the Lord.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.

While I live will I praise
the Lord: I will sing praises
unto my God while I have
any being.”

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