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Nature Undone

by Janet Martin

Upon the autumn hills I fix my gaze
Blue horizon with a violet haze
Transient shroud beyond the rustling corn
The gold stalk bowed….in nature undone

The hills that boasted amber, red and gold
Stand listless, naked in the morning cold
The wind replies in raw and edgy tones
From sullen skies….in nature undone

The fields once clad in softest emerald gown
Are dull and sad in somber robes of brown
No more the stage for romping in the sun
They quell their rage…in nature undone

Blow wind, blow across the barren plain
Through God, we know that this will not remain
Beneath the surface new life has begun
This is my solace….in nature undone

To everything in life there is a season
In joy or strife a purpose and a reason
Beneath my surface a new work is begun
God, be my purpose…in my nature undone

This poem was a finalist in the November 2009 poetry contest

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