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A King Will Come

by Robert Hedrick

Now I am not at all wealthy nor have I gathered any fame,
A few dollars in my pocket and not too many know my name.
I have no famous friends, such as a politician or celebrity,
This is all just fine, for one day, A King will come for me.

Likely, I will never visit a castle where the royalty reside,
And if I did, I would probably observe it from the outside.
Chances are the only royalty I'll recognize will be on TV,
I'm okay with this, for someday A King will come for me.

My traveling time is almost past, little yet to be done,
Grateful for the works of God I see, that compares to none.
They're spectacular, but they fall short of those in eternity,
There's where I'll dwell, just after The King comes for me.

Now I admit, there's much in this life I do not understand,
It is not that important now that I know The One in command.
His Word teaches me to trust and to wait for Him patiently,
Then one day, in His time, My King Jesus will come for me.

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