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You Have Come a Long Way Baby

by Kathleen Higham

In those times of our Lord
There was screaming in the night
Child birth was a battle
A woman's excruciating fight.

Tears and sweat poured down
Pain ripped her body apart
Until the cry of life came
Stilled her pounding heart.

There was great anticipation
A father outside the door
Waiting, pacing frantically
Her cries turned into horror.

Those days are long gone
The suffering now seems brief
Medicine with amazing technology
Brings with it great relief.

No more wondering of the sex
Or when the child will come
Incredibly the exact day
Can be predicted for some.

Rooms beautiful and peaceful
Imagining a five star hotel
No longer a fearsome ordeal
That felt like the pits of hell.

You have come a long way baby
But what do you really know?
In a moment He could come
The question, "Will you get to go?"

Doesn't matter how far you've come
Baby; you better have a plan
Life is just a blink dear one
Only God knows the heart of man.

He knew us before we were born
He hears our silent grown
There is nothing that escapes Him
God knows the entire unknown.

I don't care how far you've come
As long as you get to go
To live your life in eternity
With God, that's what I know.

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