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A Breath of Joy

by Kathleen Higham

My friend once told me
You know you sigh a lot
Do I, do I really?
No, absolutely not.

But, it was surely true
I am aware of every breath
Lived life to the full
Faced the hand of death.

In the morning hour
My breath awakens me
Maybe slow to respond
But still able to see.

That God stirs my life
His presence fills the air
Breathing in His Holiness
And joy, His joy is there.

Someday I'll breathe my last
Remembering this thought
"A breath of joy," she said
That's what my life brought.

Can it really be possible?
For joy to be breathed?
Then He whispered softly, yes
The moment you first believed.

This poem was a finalist in the November 2009 poetry contest

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