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The Eternal Race

by Danette Kettwich

We stand here our hearts are broken
Speechless and full of grief.
Not knowing when our hearts will
Again feel joy's relief.

A life that was beginning
Is a life now left behind.
We so much wanted to see
The mountains you would climb.

To see the woman you would be
And the life that you would live.
We see tears when we wanted
To see more of the love you'd give.

We may question God because
We can not fully see
How many lives that you touched
Before He set you free.

We know you are safe and sound
You now will feel no more pain
We rejoice knowing one day
We will see you again.

Even though you'll be missed
You are loved with all our might
You gave life all that you had
You fought a valiant fight.

Now go into God's presence
Into His glorious grace
You've now reached the finish line
In life's eternal race.

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