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Through Me

by mike bullock

Whatever you are going through
I am always here for you
In the height and in the depth
I am with you every step
Any crisis big or small
I am bigger than them all
There is nothing I can't do
satan bows his knee to you
Through me.

I have loved you on the cross
Took the rap for all your loss
Past and present, future too
I have covered them for you
So you need not ever fear
Call My name and I am near
Hand your problems straight to Me
You will see the darkness flee
Through Me.

Come on child, it's time to trust
Shake off all that clogging dust
It is time to seek My face
Put Me in My proper place
At the head of all you are
Drop your mask and we'll go far
Die to self and live again
You will never be the same
Through Me.

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