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For ALL people

by Janet Martin

Not simply for a chosen few
Or those of David's line
Not for a single tribe or two
Or the people of His time
'All people' it means you
'All people' it means me
'All people' it means all who were
Or ever yet will be

'Do not be afraid; I bring good news
Which shall be for ALL PEOPLE
In the Town of David is born to you
A Savior for ALL PEOPLE
You will find this little baby
In a manger in Bethlehem
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth good-will to men'

ALL PEOPLE, yet only a few
Believe this declaration
ALL PEOPLE, yes for me and you
The Gentile's revelation
To ALL PEOPLE He will reveal
The truth of hope and love
He came to earth for ALL PEOPLE
And waits for ALL above

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