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Measured by Men

by Janet Martin

Born to a simple, peasant woman
In the lowliest place on earth
In a stable with lamb and cattle
Witnessing His great birth
Angels proclaimed, and a few rugged shepherds
Hastened to where He lay
They did not know they beheld a Savior
As they gazed on Him that day
Only Mary knew the truth back then
While others measured His birth to men

He was raised by a humble carpenter
Taught to work with wood
No fancy schools, no credentials
Besides His own on which He stood
At twelve years old the teachers
Marveled at all He knew
With wisdom beyond great preachers
He taught the teachers too
They did not understand His divine purpose back then
And measured his wisdom to that of men

He ministered to all of man-kind
He loved the weak and poor
He healed the sick, the lame and blind
Was a friend at the sinner's door
He blessed the repentant woman
A worker of the street
As she wept a true believers tears
And with them washed His feet
The 'righteous' despised and judged Him then
And measured His creed by that of men

A Friend to all, He was betrayed
Falsely accused, denied
He wore a crown of thorns on His head
On a wooden cross He died
As He wept, "Father, forgive them
They know not what they do"
Man thought they were victorious then
Oh, how little they knew
Still in darkness they did not understand
As they measured His death by other men

He is risen, He reigns victorious
And trusting few believe
While many still wait for a Messiah glorious
Who will man-kind relieve
Yet of all the armies that ever marched
Or the navies that sailed the seas
Of all the governors who ever have ruled
Or of kings and royalty
None has touched us or ever will again
As the SON OF GOD while He dwelled amongst men

This poem was a finalist in the December 2009 poetry contest

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