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Thank You

by Kathleen Higham

Thank you Lord for the now
On my window taps the rain
Thank you for this lovely sound
That sooths each moment of pain.

God, I breathe You into my soul
Feeling so refreshed and clean
Pondering the joy of this
And what my eyes have seen.

Thank you Lord for the now
The hope of life all around
Glistening like tiny diamonds
Drops shimmering to the ground.

Because You make all things new
From the Heavens a holy shower
Washing away the remnant of sin
Finds a home on a delicate flower.

Thank you Lord for the now
Almost hearing life begin to grow
When colors vividly reach out
Telling me what I need to know.

That nothing can ever survive
Without Your touch from above
Thank you Lord for the now
But mostly for Your abundant love.

Revelation 21:5
Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."

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