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Jesus' Birthday

by Robert Hedrick

To be certain, there are mnay birthdays celebrated every day of the year,
By some who live in faraway countries and by those that are living near.
While a few of their names are familiar, most of them will be unknown,
With one being recognized as our very own, as a year older we have grown.

During the year, birthdays of famous names of the past are celebrated,
With special events in honor to them, which their fellow man has created.
Some were the founding fathers of this great country in which we live,
Others, part of it's history, for with their lives, they had much to give.

Although a large number of birthdays are observed throughout all the year,
There is One that's more important than any other and it is almost here.
On this special day we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Our King,
Then all around the world, voices will be lifted up as His praises ring.

There's never been a birth such as this One and there never again, will,
Only He could perform the miracle that took place there on Calvary's hill.
And His mission was accomplished as He willingly died for all our sin,
Then if you are not saved, celebrate this Christmas by inviting Jesus in.

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