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The Older I Get....

by Janet Martin

Kids these days sure must be smart
It makes me crease my brow
As their grand wisdom they impart
The what, the why and how
Well. I never once imagined
That it ever would be so
But I now realize for certain
The older I get THE LESS I KNOW

Yes, my small life experience
Has taught me a thing or two
But no one's really interested
In my point of view
Why, what happened once to me
Was SO VERY long ago
Things have CHANGED, can I not see?
Yep, the older I get THE LESS I KNOW

So last night after I'd been beaten
And I was feeling a little low
I talked to God in Heaven
He tells me what I AUGHT to know
And I guess as long as earth remains
Time is a teacher so
Eventually the 'smart ones' of today will complain
That the older they get THE LESS THEY KNOW!!!

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